One of our Grannies folding her hands in a hut as if to pray

Seeking His Face…

From our isolation compounds in Uganda & USA in this unprecedented time we are inviting you to draw near (no social distancing required) to our UNEQUALED sovereign King of Kings and seek His face in humble prayer…

Farming God’s Way Garden beginning with planting stations

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
2 Chronicles 7: 13-15

That is the prayer of The Way Home (TWH) staff in Uganda, received from our Farming God’s Way Manager, Asaph…

Baby eucalyptus trees as part of TWH’s future sustainability project

“We are having silent and hiding prayers. Mainly we are basing in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. That’s our main prayer line scripture.”

As he trusts God and carries on with his job for those He cares for at The Way Home: “Just from dropping windows and doors to (a very grateful) granny Baffakuwulira Elizabeth this morning.”

Delivery of windows & doors for granny Elizabeth’s new house

The prayer of our Bookeeper, Ethel, who knows Uganda is closing doors, borders and shudders of the workplaces and schools, and believe it also Uganda is suffering from millions and millions of Locusts descending on its lands from the deserts north of Uganda. She prays: “Oh Uganda my God uphold thee. We lay thy future in God’s hands. For God and my country.”

more windows & doors for a new granny-family house
(original house in front of new home)

Unexplainable..unprecedented outcomes and impact.
We’ve thought of and prayed for Uganda, it’s people and of course TWH…we invite you to persevere with us in prayer and full dependence on the Lord.

We’ve prayed for you where you are, praying you’re trusting Him absolutely. (Matthew 6:25)

Both here and there, He remains…our safe place to be. (Psalm 91:4)

In Uganda the President has restricted all he could. The borders and airport were just closed. Now it’s up to the people there to do and pray 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
The same for us and our beloved nation the United States, it’s lands and people.

Needless to say, we are eager to be in Uganda soon, all of us are here waiting it out like all of you in your various safest ways possible. Wavering between “this is good” and “let’s get to work”.

Our boys will stay on their school terms via the computer. Our other two children, Ben and Liz and their families are too, waiting with all of us, for the day to come when life will turn from this ‘temporary normal’ back to return to the “normal” we’ve known…as the Lord wills.

On the other side of the globe, our staff also practices safe distance and sanitation while they serve others and advance the ministry of TWH. As the circumstances in our days are now with us, it is comforting to know that God is in control of all things and He’s trustworthy.

We believe He’s the best for us. It’s time to turn to God, humble ourselves, repent of our sins, listen for and look to God for His forgiveness, and believe in His conditional promise; that if we as His people will do these things, He will heal our land.

So let’s do this…Together from our knees

sunrise view of The Way Home compound from Guest House


“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15

“Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life.”
– Corrie Ten Boom
Have you unwrapped the true HEART of Christmas ?

One week ago…

We had a Christmas Newsletter ready to go out to you. It was filled with joyFULL updates along with prayer requests and invitations to consider our end of year needs for this sweet ministry to widows & orphans, that God continues to bless and guide us in overseeing, to a point of sustainability….

but then the phone call came…

That changed our content & urgency of our Christmas message to you. The independent living home of Marcia’s mom called Monday during dinner, to inform us and her sisters that mom had been taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital for a ‘medical emergency’. After several more phone calls we were informed that she collapsed in the dining room with a ‘sudden death’ cardiac arrest! No pulse, 18 minutes of CPR, as well as 3 shocks had been delivered in attempts to save her life in transit to Cleveland Clinic ICU. The Doctors gave little hope that she would make it through the night.

Needless to say…our Christmas priority lists turned upside down with our world and Marcia and her sisters were all on early morning flights to Ohio each hoping to make it before she was gone…

When life is hanging in the balance all that matters is whether the indescribable gift of Jesus, the HEART of Christmas, has been unwrapped. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

God GAVE us the GIFT of EVERLASTING Life … to never experience death but be immediately transported to heaven when the days that are numbered for our lives are up. Heaven is a Holy place…Only perfect people can live there…none of us are…only Jesus is. He IS THE WAY Home.

That’s the GIFT…We each need to understand, receive … and unwrap.

If you’ve personally received it, then share the good news…go tell it on the mountain!…RE-GIFT it…don’t keep the HEART of CHRISTMAS to yourself.

It’s the gift of an eternal lifetime- nothing will ever compare!

Admit you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23; 10:9-10) Believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from sin and death and give you eternal life. (Romans 5:8; John 3:16) Recognize your sin before God and let him help you turn from your old life to a new life in Christ. (Acts 3:19; 2 Corinthians 5:17) Receive, by faith in Jesus Christ, his free gift of salvation. (Ephesians 2:8

How to unwrap the HEART of CHRISTMAS:

We extend to you our love & joy filled Christmas thanks on behalf of:
us (Russ, Marcia, Joe, Dom and Sam), and THE WAY HOME Staff of 35:
Farming God’s Way workers and Pastors,
Student Pastor Teachers,
School MailBox Club teachers,
Granny Coordinators, 
TWH home construction workers,
and of course,
from all 119 of our GrateFULL God praising (hallelujah) Grannies and Granny-Families!

Now that’s a HEAP O’ BEANS Granny Topirista!!

Praising God for this News of Harvest after the two-growing season drought!!

This is how God blesses abundantly : 1/4 lb. TO 176 LBS.!

News from our Granny Coordinator, Pastor Richard:

” Granny Topirister Is Seated On A Heap Of Beans Harvested From Her Farming God’s Way Garden.
She Says,her Farming God’s Way Teachers (at The Way Home) Gave Her A quarter 1/4 (1/2 pound) Of A Kg Of Beans During (Farming God’s Way) Training.
She Has Multiplied This Seed Using Farming Gods Way Techniques And Now She Has Over 80kg (176 POUNDS!!!!) Of Beans.

She Is Happy And Proud Of This Way Of Organic Farming ”

Teaching THE Way Home…FOREVER !

YES we build physical homes for these destitute families that allows them to survive in their time on this earth BUT those are temporary in the BIG picture…

Our main goal is the one you read under our logo  ” BUILDING FAMILY TODAY … AND HOMES FOREVER”…for Widows & Orphans in their distress.



We teach in three specific ways:

  • We teach the Granny Families through our Granny-coordinator, Pastor Richard Mudde. He visits each of our families in small groups twice a month for Bible study.
  • We teach the local (never formally trained) ‘Pastors’ through our one year Pastors Enrichment class.
  • We teach the Explorers Club (from The Mail Box club ) through the local village schools surrounding TWH’s compound in Nasuti.

TWH’s staff Teacher for the village School Program is Paula Mundodo. Presently she has classes totalling over 300 children learning about the kingdom of heaven that belongs to them…their FOREVER Home !

 ”Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

True JOY at Christmas!

Merry Christmas to YOU from our family (Russ & Marcia Joseph, Dominick & Samson) and on behalf of the 83 Granny Families of TWH, may your day of celebration of Jesus birth this day be blessed and your joy increased:
We have been sharing our joy with you these last 10 days (10 days of Christmas blessings)…this Granny is the picture of true JOY!
Granny Topirista is the 10th granny family of 2016 that you may have been a part of blessing by your prayerful or financial participation. God Himself has increased their supply…we hope being able to actually SEE these before & after photos has been a visual of how Preciously God cares for the least of these in tangibly sweet and practical ways through you in His ministry #TheWayHomeAfrica

This is Granny Toprista Tibitondwa’s Family & their story please pray for them today
Topirista has a huge family. Maybe that’s why her smile is magnetic. A lovely and not complaining woman. Her mom stays in the bigger house next to her terrible shelter. I asked why doesn’t she and the kids she cares for stay in there? Alfred (our GM and Construction manager) understood the practical part but sometimes even the most practical solution can’t overcome culture. She stays outside because once a daughter or son leaves the home of the parents they can’t go back. There are exceptions but it looks like this is not one of the exceptions.

Mainly Topirista cares for the 5 children of her deceased son ranging from ages 8 to 15. In this culture some men (particularly the past generation) took more than one wife and the wives are called “co-wives”. Christianity is making some progress in helping the people of Uganda on this topic. Actually we may be surprised at such practices, but we shouldn’t let that deter us. We can take a lot of lesson’s from the Ugandan ethics and practices we do not follow. It’s the poverty and existence of so many widow’s and orphans and the introduction of Hope of Jesus Christ we strive to promote.

In addition to the 5 children of her deceased son (Topirista had 9 children of her own!), Topirista cares for the 3 younger children of her deceased co-wife. Topirista is another of our Hero’s! To top it off, her mom is living and blind. A better sense of humor I have not seen and I’ve seen some good ones. In fact when we were introduced she said: “it’s good to see you” and she laughed and clarified saying: “I don’t really see you because I’m blind but I know you are there”. Topirista’s mom is 88, caring for two children of Topirista’s deceased brother, Moses.

For reasons you now know, Topirista was the first one to have her home built in 2016! Thank you for joining in our journey.


Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, tree, plant, sky and outdoor

Visiting Widows & Orphans in their distress

Biography of a “Granny”:

Mwamini Kaswa became a widow several years ago when her husband died in a tragic motorcycle accident. Mwamini, her 4 children and 2 grandchildren were eventually evicted from their home and are currently living in a neighbor’s hallway. But all of that is about to change! Contracts for the construction of her new home on family land have been signed and a three room brick home with two room latrine & bathing room is being built by The Way Home’s local laborers, funded by our dedicated ministry partners at ‘Homes for Homes’.

Praise the Lord as He faithfully directs His obedient followers to look after His vulnerable widows & orphans…

God has not forgotten you Mwamini.

Feeding a SEA of hungry souls in Uganda

A personal update from Paula, The Way Home’s outreach teacher in local village schools, where the majority are Muslim. As you can see the classes are large..but very hungry for this ‘new teaching’. The Gospel
“Praise Jesus, second term is nearing its end. I have 45 kids in primary four, 51 kids in primary five and in both classes 65 kids are saved 10 are not yet and the rest are not sure, am so far on lesson 10 with these two classes. These two classes are my very first classes in mail box series. on 28th-June-2016, i started teaching primary six which has 43 kids and i am now on lesson 6. These three classes are all from one school called Victoria Day and Boarding Primary School. I teach at this school two days a week on Tuesday(primary 6) and Thursday(primary 4 and 5) for two hours on both days. Similarly i started teaching at another school called Nabukone Primary School in term two. i handle only one class primary 5 which has a total of 172 kids whom i teach every Friday for one hour and i am on now lesson 4. A thorough report of these three classes will be sent when i finish all the lessons in each classes. I received 300 mail box books but i have a bigger number of children than the books. Attached are photos of the children.”

Pray for Paula:
That her joy will be contagious,
her perseverance unwavering, and the lasting Fruit…ABUNDANT!

Praise The Lord with us for this unlikely opportunity to share the only Truth that will satisfy hungry souls ????

a Shepherd to Granny-families

Richard grew up in. the village of Embolie, near Mbale. He has five siblings. His father died young and was raised by his mother, than after she remarried his Granny raised him.

He grew up in the Church of Uganda (Anglican) and went through confirmation, but then one night he had a vision that he needed to be saved. The next morning in church there was a visiting pastor who preached on salvation and he went forward and accepted Christ. He completed senior 4, and then took two semesters at UBS( Uganda Baptist Seminary), was preaching door to door, and then went to “teacher’s college” and got a job teaching primary 3. He was feeling that God wanted him back in the field. That is when he heard about this job.

He started working with The Way Home in January 2016 and is currently the Granny Coordinator. He loves the opportunity to preach salvation to the grannies, their grandchildren, and neighbors. He has reported many people including Muslim neighbors accepting Christ.

He finds the motorcycle (with muddy road conditions) to be a challenging part of his job . He is now in a diploma program at UBS and must spend three weeks in August and November in class. His job of Granny coordinator is helping to provide the shillings for those classes. He asks for prayer that he chooses the right marriage partner and that he saves the money to buy a home.

Richard Mudde: The Way Home’s Granny Coordinator: daily travels by boda (motorcycle) to do a circuit (350 km./month!)  teaching and shepherding TWH’s 73 granny-families in God’s Word through the vehicle of the Mail-box club program lessons and leading them by Word & deed to The WAY Home in Jesus 🙂


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Call or visit us.

1 (231) 735-7441
Every Child Ministries
c/o The Way Home
P.O. Box 810
Hebron, IN 46341