Not everyone is called to go to Africa, but everyone is called to take care of widows & orphans in their distress


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Statistics as a reminder:

  • To pray
  • To give
  • To advocate

It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.)

The current population of the United States is just a little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers… (The current population of Russia is 141 million)

Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
2,102,400 more children become orphans every year in Africa alone
Every 15 seconds, another child in Africa becomes an AIDS orphan

There are an estimated 14 million AIDS orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa (a number higher than the total of every under-eighteen-year-old in Canada, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Ireland combined)

This figure is estimated to have reached 18 million orphans in Africa alone by 2010

8 out of 10 children orphaned by AIDS lives in sub-Saharan Africa

Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but each year 14,505,000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen.

Each day 38,493 orphans age out

Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home

Thank YOU for your incredible generosity!

You can give with the confidence of knowing that 90% of your donation will go directly to The Way Home programs in Uganda. At The Way Home, all of the USA based overhead and non-program expenses are covered by Every Child Ministries. The Way Home is a project of Every Child Ministries, a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. We issue tax donations at the end of the year.

Donate now

Any questions? call Monica @ ECM 219 996-4201

If you prefer to send a check, you may make it payable to ECM/ THE WAY HOME,  and send it to our office in Hebron, Indiana: 

Every Child Ministries
P.O. Box 810
Hebron, Indiana 46341

Download this PDF to make a donation using Electronic Funds Transfer


Typically, our widowed grannies bury their own children and their orphaned grandchildren their own parents —then without any grieving, Granny opens her crumbling, dilapidated and leaky small mud & straw hut to her now orphaned grandchildren and they begin the daily survival struggle together. Our Granny-Families are the poorest of the poor, living in huts that offer little or no protection from the elements. But you can change that by helping build a firm foundation for one or more of these families that will help these  orphans keep their birthright—and protect their health—by providing a new or renovated home & latrine that will stay with the orphans long after their granny has gone because it’s a FAMILY home.

Build A Home NOW!

Build Foundations by monthly or agricultural sustainability support

Giving a monthly donation is one of the best ways to help our widows & orphans. A monthly donation helps us stabilize these family’s lives. It helps us respond to emergency health crises. It helps us plan ahead seminar’s to train more grannies, pastors & community Farming God’s Way to give them the best chance at ongoing food security. By making a monthly donation, you’ll be helping not just one orphan or widow, but many families and the community they live in. Giving a monthly gift means we can:

  • Help vulnerable Granny-Families wherever and whenever the need is greatest, for example during emergencies;
  • support the 16-month-long Pastor’s Enrichment Program to teach never formally trained village Pastors to lead their church with Biblical Truth.
  • Plan and sustain long-term educational programs for these vulnerable Families so we can build strong foundations now and prepare them for the future.

Read how your support could help Granny-Families like Granny Getulida and her 14 orphans, Granny Aidah and her 9 orphans, and Blind Granny Faith and her 6 orphans.

Do something amazing today. Make a monthly donation to make an impact on these vulnerable families and enjoy the benefits of the impact it will make on your own life!

Donate now


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Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

1 (231) 735-7441
Every Child Ministries
c/o The Way Home
P.O. Box 810
Hebron, IN 46341