Feeding a SEA of hungry souls in Uganda

A personal update from Paula, The Way Home’s outreach teacher in local village schools, where the majority are Muslim. As you can see the classes are large..but very hungry for this ‘new teaching’. The Gospel
“Praise Jesus, second term is nearing its end. I have 45 kids in primary four, 51 kids in primary five and in both classes 65 kids are saved 10 are not yet and the rest are not sure, am so far on lesson 10 with these two classes. These two classes are my very first classes in mail box series. on 28th-June-2016, i started teaching primary six which has 43 kids and i am now on lesson 6. These three classes are all from one school called Victoria Day and Boarding Primary School. I teach at this school two days a week on Tuesday(primary 6) and Thursday(primary 4 and 5) for two hours on both days. Similarly i started teaching at another school called Nabukone Primary School in term two. i handle only one class primary 5 which has a total of 172 kids whom i teach every Friday for one hour and i am on now lesson 4. A thorough report of these three classes will be sent when i finish all the lessons in each classes. I received 300 mail box books but i have a bigger number of children than the books. Attached are photos of the children.”

Pray for Paula:
That her joy will be contagious,
her perseverance unwavering, and the lasting Fruit…ABUNDANT!

Praise The Lord with us for this unlikely opportunity to share the only Truth that will satisfy hungry souls ????

a Shepherd to Granny-families

Richard grew up in. the village of Embolie, near Mbale. He has five siblings. His father died young and was raised by his mother, than after she remarried his Granny raised him.

He grew up in the Church of Uganda (Anglican) and went through confirmation, but then one night he had a vision that he needed to be saved. The next morning in church there was a visiting pastor who preached on salvation and he went forward and accepted Christ. He completed senior 4, and then took two semesters at UBS( Uganda Baptist Seminary), was preaching door to door, and then went to “teacher’s college” and got a job teaching primary 3. He was feeling that God wanted him back in the field. That is when he heard about this job.

He started working with The Way Home in January 2016 and is currently the Granny Coordinator. He loves the opportunity to preach salvation to the grannies, their grandchildren, and neighbors. He has reported many people including Muslim neighbors accepting Christ.

He finds the motorcycle (with muddy road conditions) to be a challenging part of his job . He is now in a diploma program at UBS and must spend three weeks in August and November in class. His job of Granny coordinator is helping to provide the shillings for those classes. He asks for prayer that he chooses the right marriage partner and that he saves the money to buy a home.

Richard Mudde: The Way Home’s Granny Coordinator: daily travels by boda (motorcycle) to do a circuit (350 km./month!)  teaching and shepherding TWH’s 73 granny-families in God’s Word through the vehicle of the Mail-box club program lessons and leading them by Word & deed to The WAY Home in Jesus 🙂



LOOK at what God does with sweet Potatoes when we farm HIS Way !!

The Way Home applies “Farming God’s Way”  with FULL persuasion 🙂 

Our harvest has been very good and improving potato crops each season but never such large potatoes. Granny Juliette together with TWH Staff workers exclaimed that they have not seen potatoes this size since they were young children! The likely explanation is that traditional methods of farming in Uganda  tend to not sow back into the soil…when we teach them to Farm God’s Way we teach them to sow into the land because in farming as in life…we reap what we sow!!

What did we do differently?

This past growing season we decided to add water during the rain/growing season. We didn’t know what outcome adding water after two weeks passed without rain would bring to our harvest. Our compound now stores rain water in a large elevated container that makes irrigation water available as long as the stored water lasts in the container. If it rains we can add more to the storage. We don’t use it so long as rain comes. The store of water is used to moisten with about 1.5 liter to every plant when two weeks pass without rain. We can see that water seems to be valuable. Is it possible when it’s been dry for two weeks that you carry water to the garden to revive your plants. Farming God’s Way to a high standard means you also have mulched your garden. The water you deliver will help so much until the next rain. Try it! We think you will like the results.

And remember to give God thanks and Glory for He has given everything you need.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 

2 Peter 1:3





Truth going forth!


Praise the LORD for what He has done ~ and will do…

Pastor's training Center classroom!
Pastor’s training Center classroom frame !


Alfred’s contracted with a man having experience to put a proper grass roof on TWH. That looks to be so! Alfred built a foundation with bricks and cement that is very strong and this roofing contractor is doing his part to put the stick built trussing structure up to support grass roofing material. When the poles are all up and in place grass is put on in bundles, layered and secured. I hope the end product looks so good. But by the quality of the rafters the grass will probably be good too! Now, where does he get the grass? He travels by taxi from Nasuti about 5 hours to the shores of lake Victoria, then by boat to an Island where the grass is growing. He hires local men to cut it, and bundle it, and stack it. They don’t have termites there. We do, so we need to spray our grass as it waits to go up and finally again when it gets to the roof. After the cutting on the island, they heap it on one or more boats (it’s going to take a lot!) and the boat travels over pretty dangerous waters (a storm can kick up any time like one of the great lakes of Michigan). When it arrives they load it onto a truck then to its home in Nasuti. We’re hoping all the grass we need arrives soon as the rafters may be done next week.


The Latrine too is nearly done, a four stall beauty with a real septic system hand dug and hand mixed and poured concrete made right there. With the 4 pit latrine style toilets there are two baths for bathing and changing. What luxury we will make available to our Pastors!


Again, you all, thank you for your generous praying, and your generous giving and praise the Lord over and over for what He has done. We look to what He will do as well!


I meet our teacher, Daniel Isabirye Friday, to talk about things I need to know to facilitate a Pastor Bible Training Program. Marcia and I are so thankful it will be run by Pastor Terry Nester (our missionary Pastor from our church in Jinja)  and taught by Pastor Daniel and probably a few others along the way. Pray for men on our staff and those others God has to come, that they will come and be faithful to work diligently and persevere to transform, and become the Shepard of their community God calls them to be.


We’ve signed agreements Monday with two Grannies to receive 3 room homes and latrines.

They are Beatrice (having 4 grandchildren ages 2 1/2 to 14)

Granny Beatrice and family of 4
Granny Beatrice and family of 4



and Elizabeth (having with her two grandchildren ages 8 and 10).

Granny Elizabeth






Yesterday we approved two more after the interviews. Fatina lives in the smallest straw and broken brick home (9 x 10) with four daughters and her son PLUS her 3 grandchildren (ages 9, 6, and 3). She has a thorn stuck in her eye.


Granny Fatina plus 8!
Granny Fatina plus 8!




We will get her to an eye doctor and hopefully get her agreement signed next week and start her home and latrine very soon. Please pray for God to be their Husband and their God.

Thanks and talk to you soon!




Arriving in Uganda…



I like that…

There’s an immediate change in attitude that is pleasing. Ugandan’s value relationship. They know respect and are trained as very young children usually with some firmness that respect matters, being polite matters, and understanding other people have problems so “we don’t need to push or hurry them or condemn them for being late because there probably is a very good reason they are late. Even if the reason is not good, it’s ok”. Paramount is that they generally really really honor and respect their parents and grandparents. Uganda is a hot culture where people matter more. It’s changing, the West has it’s influences and many are good, but Uganda is changing, especially in the Capitol and larger cities. I witness more Ugandan’s speaking with one another in English! Just noticed that.


But the Village has been the same and is pretty much the same for centuries. The Way Home ministries work in the Village. What an interesting time and place to be serving the Lord as Missionaries in Uganda.


Today in Church one of our staff, Asaph, who is Ugandan of course, like me as being a visitor introduced himself. He said: “I am DeWuke, Asaph. I come from where I come from”. That brought laughter…. but how that struck me as so true. Asaph moved around a lot growing up the son of a Church of Uganda Pastor who has been transferred so many times from area to area within Uganda. Asaph with his siblings always moved with his parents. Such a young man, but wise beyond his years. I think he knows more of where he is going (in eternity), more of where he’s going than he realizes about where he’s been. This is how we want it to be for those with whom we share the Gospel Village. To know Jesus as Savior, and “to know what today and the future in Christ has stored up for me”. I love that. Of course, being the only white person, I was asked to speak. I introduced myself as Russ Baugh and “I come from where I come from”.


Alfred, our General Manager and Construction expert, and Pastor, driver, etc. etc. picked me up on time at the airport on Friday evening at about 11PM. We have already covered so much in our conversations, getting the most current news from his side and my side. We have prayed together, laughter, shook our heads at this and that. Alfred is a Kingdom builder. Like Asaph, he comes from where he comes from, but he knows where he’s going.

God Bless!



Alfred and Russ
TWH Manager, Pastor Alfred Naburdere and me 🙂




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1 (231) 735-7441
Every Child Ministries
c/o The Way Home
P.O. Box 810
Hebron, IN 46341