Barnstorming with Fred in Nasuti


Fred writes:  Yesterday we attended church at Acacia Community Church in Jinja, an open-air thatched roof church both reaching out to Ugandans and providing a place to worship for mzungu missionaries.  And led by a pastor from West Virginia no less – “Can I get an amen!!”  We then ate lunch at a little place called The Haven on the Nile river.  Last night I had the privilege of executing our first African rat.  Sucker was eating our bananas.

Today it was back on the bodas for a barnstorming run to 20 granny homes.  We have only three left which we will get to tomorrow morning.  One of the highlights was visiting a home where they had spent the very first night in their new home last night.  They were walking on air.  We went inside with the family and prayed a blessing on the home and that all who live there would know Jesus and look forward to the day when we all have a permanent home with Him.  We also visited a home with a shrine behind it where the clan keeps their demons -not just any demons mind you, specialty demons.  They give them a little house out back so they can call on them when they need them.  Handy, I suppose.  The granny there is a Christian but not all of her clan has followed in her footsteps, hence the continued presence of the shrine.  Pray for them to see the Light and turn from their old ways. 

I have a lot of time to think as I’m riding down the back roads and trails and today I was captured by thoughts about the masses of people I have seen, even out here in the bush.  Walking, riding bikes, standing around in the trading centers, carrying jerrycans of water, pushing old bicycles laden with everything from huge bunches of  bananas to massive bags of charcoal for their cook stoves, walking to and from school, laying around on their lawns with their babies (it was a scorcher today).  I wondered how many of them have heard of Jesus.  I couldn’t escape the question, ” If no one tells them, how will they know?”  There are so many great things going on here and yet so much still to do and so many lost who need to be found.

Tomorrow we’ll catch up with the last three grannies and then observe an “interview” with a prospective granny home recipient.

demon shrine     acacia community church

The Way Home- Backroads Tour Day 2

One of The Way Home’s guest-servants this week, blogs about his second day on the roads to photo journal our granny families with Heather:


Fred writes:  We spent another day on the backroads of Uganda visiting with 13 grannies at their homes.  We observed several fine gardens being prepared for planting.  They’re prepping the planting holes now and will plant the seed in another week or two when the next semi-annual rainy season begins.  We also prayed with each one that their garden would produce abundantly.  No all of them have gardens – we’ve met a few who are blind and one today wasn’t able to get up from her mat on the floor – but some of them we’ve seen have been astounding.  While the grand kids are away at school the grannies work on preparing and maintaining their gardens.  The idea is that they will be able to raise enough crop to not only feed their family but also enough extra to sell so they can pay the kids’ school fees.  If you can’t pay, you don’t go to school here.

We’re learning many things about how to best to help people in other cultures work their way out of poverty.  It’s so easy as westerners to want to just put together a team, write a check, and fix the problem.  We can see, though, the dependency problems that creates.  As we ride the bodas  through the little towns along the way we can hear the kids calling out for money from the mzungus.  When we pull into the villages it’s like the circus just pulled into town.  People come from all around the village to see what we have brought for them.  It’s encouraging to see how The Way Home Africa is working to break that cycle with the people they serve.  They’re working hard to fade into the background as they train up more and more Ugandans to do the work on the ground.  They’re also willing to apply tough love in situations where the recipients sit back on their hands expecting the work to be done for them.  
Well tomorrow it’s back to the bush on our trusty bodas and will be joined on our journey for a day by Tim Johnson.  Please continue to pray for us and for the work of The Way Home Africa.
Fred in Nasuti                   Heather and granny Amina
baby in granny village road trip                 sunrise nasuti

Beating Around the Bush

The Way Home’s “Servant’s Retreat” in the discipleship village is filled this week with….well…Servants!  Let us share the blog of one of those servants, Fred Langeland, who has come with one of our two senior advocate’s, Heather Osborn to accomplish a very BIG job…photo journaling our, now 60, Granny Families:
Fred writes:  Today was an adventure unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.  We were on dirt  bikes literally beating through the African bush.  When I talk about Africa I normally hesitate to use words like “bush” and “village.”  In one of my classes in Bible college we had a student from Africa and I remember her complaining that Americans all thought everybody in Africa grew up in a grass hut out in the bush.  She was from a modern city and found our presumption both ignorant and arrogant.  Well, we weren’t in the city today!  We visited 17 granny homes, meeting with them, taking photos, and looking at their gardens.  We were really in the African bush.  We went down roads that weren’t even roads – some of them just a path between villages.  If we had lost our leader you never would have seen Heather or me again – there was no way to know where we were or where the next turn would lead.  I’d be building our grass huts as you read this.

My being here is an incredible gift and an experience I don’t want to squander on myself.  I believe God provided the means for me to be here for a reason.  Today in the solitude of my motorcycle helmet I recalled a thought from our devotions last night.  The person who shared it didn’t remember where she got it so I can’t cite credit but it goes like this:  “In Christian life and witness so much is lost because we are indefinite.  The devil is not worried by our pious aspirations.  He is troubled when, in obedience to God, for the glory of Christ and in the power of the Spirit, we make firm practical decisions to do specific things for the Lord.”  Pious aspirations.  Ever have any of those?  To be the best wife or husband your spouse could ever dream of.  To be the dad that yours wasn’t.  To get out of debt.  To save for a secure retirement.  To have deep conversations with your kids so they don’t make the same mistakes you did.  To be a godly man or woman.  I’ve certainly had more than my share of them and many of them have ended in my being indefinite.  My prayer is that through this experience I’ll move beyond pious aspirations about spreading the gospel to the poor in Africa into practical decisions to do specific things.  In obedience to God.  For the glory of Christ.  In the power of the Spirit.

Joy & Purpose giving this Christmas!


One Family decided this Christmas their family gift exchange would set a NEW tradition. A tradition of giving that will make a real difference in the lives of FAMILY. Instead of choosing names and dollar limits for a family gift exchange … they decided to pool their family giving dollars and build a house.  Not just any house, but a house for a destitute Widow struggling to raise her own orphaned grandchildren after burying  her own children.

The Way Home identifies these women living in poor conditions, often living in mud huts in remote areas of Uganda.   For just $2,200 you can bless a grandmother this Christmas with a new brick home!  In addition to their new home, they will receiving training and mentoring for sustainable farming through Farming God’s Way Biblical Worldview program.  This farming program will assist the grandmother in increasing her yield up to ten times and, most importantly, Faith in God’s provision.   Each new home purchased also includes a latrine as well as weekly Bible teaching and preventative medicine.

Celebrate the birth of Jesus by making a difference this Christmas, prayerfully consider giving a new home for a widow in place of a family gift exchange, office exchange or just because you want to make an impact this year.


Publishers Clearing House in Uganda???

You would think so!

I mean that’s what it seriously feels like each year when we interview the ‘neediest of the needy’ widows, left to raise their orphaned grandchildren, deep in the village of one of the most destitute areas of Uganda.

If you can…imagine this?
…they have lost their husband and now, without any time to grieve the death of their own children
…opened their humble leaking thatched roofed, mud hut to their now, orphaned grandchildren
…when they don’t have a clue where their own next meal is coming from!!
would numbers help you imagine? The average number of children our grannies have in their care is 5.5…one of our grannies has 14!

There is nothing more humbling

It is obvious throughout scripture…that God cares for widows & orphans…and because He does…we do/can too!

but to actually SEE it happen before our very eyes..

AND to be the one’s called by God to deliver that news to them is a privilege that there are no words for…

but a picture is worth a thousand of them right??

What happens when a destitute widow raising her orphaned grandchildren hears that her prayers for provision have been heard and answered?

Sharing that picture of HOPE with you from deep in the village of the “Pearl of Africa”

P.S. wish you were here 🙂

Out of the hearts of babes!

We’ve never even met Cassandra in person…

but already her reputation precedes her…at 10 years old!

We are always amazed and often amused at the ways God builds a team to take seriously His command to look after orphans & widows in their distress…

but when we came home one day to find this oatmeal container of cash donations from a lemonade stand for orphans…collected by the same young lady that celebrated her 9th birthday by requesting that people would please bring a donation for widows & orphans of THE WAY HOME instead of a present for her…we knew where the heart of her motivation came from 🙂

Praise God for His work in the hearts of Children for His Glory !

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31



A permanent commitment of LOVE…

no matter where the road may lead…

Have you ever thought about how much peace & security you have in knowing that God’s adoption of YOU into His family, is permanent? 

“Adoption” is one of God’s most powerful words…it describes God’s love for mankind.

Jesus offer’s God’s love to us in a form we could understand…adoption.

Galatians 4:4-5 tells us that God’s primary purpose for sending Jesus into the world was to arrange for our adoption.“…God sent forth His Son…that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

and in John 1:12 ”But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name.”  

Jesus Himself said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18

He also said, “I go to prepare a place for you …and I will come again to receive you to myself; ( ‘to adopt you’ Rom 8:23) “that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3

A word we love to think of that’s a partial explanation of ‘Adoption’ is the word “permanency”. Christ will come to us, He will come again and He will receive us to Himself. A forever commitment.

We adopted our three boy’s Joseph, Dominick, and Samson with the concept of ‘permanency’ firmly in mind. When confronted with trials parent’s face raising children in this age, we reflect on the commitment of ‘permanency’. To each of His believer’s (us), Jesus makes the commitment of ‘permanency’. We constantly admire our Granny’s so much as we see their infinitely more serious trials they face than we, in raising their orphaned grand kids.We think of the thoughts must enter the minds of children whose biological parents are erased from their lives for whatever reason. “Who will take care of me”? “Does anyone love me”? “Where will I sleep, what will I eat, will I be safe”? what will happen to my sisters & brothers?

… Isn’t this the spiritual condition we face leading up to the moment of decision in choosing Christ as Savior?

Notice an amazing parallel of Christs’ saying He will permanently adopt and care for us, and someone stepping forward and saying “where I am, there you may be also” in answer to these most urgent questions of an orphaned child. Our Granny’s grandchildren can feel comfort and love, knowing that a future was planned for them that’s in their best interest. Their Granny’s love commitment is concrete evidence to them of God’s love and sovereignty in their lives. Our commitment to strengthen the Granny Families and show them the Way Home, is in honor of ‘family’ and of Christ, the true and permanent HOME & Father to every believer.

What an amazing God and FATHER we serve!



Living in a third world country with it’s lack of infrastructure and conveniences is not always easy… add that fact to raising three young rough n tumble boys in that same 3rd world country!!


Here is a little snippet of the personal side of our missionary life in Uganda recently with our 6 year old grand/son Sam after a traumatic fall from a ‘fort’ that he persisted on sleeping in: buckle your seat belt!

a day in the best Uganda has to offer
a day in the best Uganda has to offer
How to delete sound & light in a Kampala traffic jamb??
How to delete sound & light in a Kampala traffic jamb??


JOURNAL: WEDNESDAY 3/27 “NO ER’s in Uganda!” Now 18 hrs. later… from the dark and quiet of our hotel room where we camp out closely observing our little Sam with great anticipation of his full recovery in due time (10 days to 5 weeks) I recall how the day began much louder… At 3 a.m. this morning when we were jolted awake by an awful thud…then silence…then terrible moaning from our 6 year old Samson who had fallen 8 ft. head first to his tile bedroom floor…I am shaking and speechless…as the color is gone from his face and the swelling of his whole face competes with the rise of the bumps on the back and top of his skull…God is with us…never left our side…just as He promises! we calmly just do the next thing on our minds…and call our EMT/missionary friend answers his phone!!! he makes a house-call at 3:30 a.m!!) to evaluate…pupils are reactive..good sign…”if he were mine…I would get a scan to make sure there are no ‘bleeds’ …oh my….the moaning continues…he says..”Nana my brain hurts…make it stop!!…it’s getting too big!”…We call our nurse/missionary friend…no answer….we continue with ice packs..and the vomiting begins…every 5 min…then we reach our doctor who says get him to Kla asap…we need to do a brain scan…see if you can get some Prednisalone to reduce the swelling…we pack…we pray…Our “nurse/missionary/friend” answers and’ happens’ to have the meds to reduce swelling…we pick it from her at 6:45 on our way out of town for the 2 hr.trip to Kampala….traffic… vomiting…praying…now MY head is pounding with sympathy pain…wishing it could be me and not him…wishing I could teleport our van..our Sam a 1st world ambulance and a first world ER…away from the bumper to bumper traffic jamb that was keeping us from our best 3rd world resources for our little Sam totally dependent on our making the pain ‘go away’…texts go out to our BIG family near and far for prayer…as the prayers begin the peace comes…and the answers…SCAN IS CLEAR! No bleeds!!! 1st world resources…might give me more immediate peace…the peace that the world can give…but the transcendent peace that passes all understanding has been ours from the moment we were jolted awake to this day that God had made. 18 hours later we still have a very sick boy…but we have great promise for his full recovery and great proof of our God who will never leave or forsake us…who is with us always…wherEVER He has planted us for such a time as this…THANK YOU BIG family for the part you played in our 3/27 from your knees 🙂 We love you

March 29th: GOOD FRIDAY 6:45 a.m. after-the-fall I am awoken with this monologue from my sleeping buddy in the hotel…Sam : “Nana…it’s morning-time and God has answered our prayers!!! I am normal again!!!!!…God healed me! I can see light and hear sounds and it doesn’t make me throw up…I’m normal Nana…….can we go swimming today ??? ” then without waiting for an answer…he turned over and went soundly back to sleep 🙂

Praise The Lord…He can see the light! … WE CAN ALL SEE THE LIGHT …Praise the Lord who hears and answers our prayers 🙂

April 1st: NO APRIL FOOLING :  just arriving home to Jinja after our emergency exit to Kampala for Sam…He is doing SO well! Just before arriving home tonight he said “Nana & Papa…do you know what the great news is??” we said ..what is it Sam? He says “that I can SEE the Sun without a headache… God heard all of the prayers of our friends and healed ME!”

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Isaiah 65:24

 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16