True JOY at Christmas!

Merry Christmas to YOU from our family (Russ & Marcia Joseph, Dominick & Samson) and on behalf of the 83 Granny Families of TWH, may your day of celebration of Jesus birth this day be blessed and your joy increased:
We have been sharing our joy with you these last 10 days (10 days of Christmas blessings)…this Granny is the picture of true JOY!
Granny Topirista is the 10th granny family of 2016 that you may have been a part of blessing by your prayerful or financial participation. God Himself has increased their supply…we hope being able to actually SEE these before & after photos has been a visual of how Preciously God cares for the least of these in tangibly sweet and practical ways through you in His ministry #TheWayHomeAfrica

This is Granny Toprista Tibitondwa’s Family & their story please pray for them today
Topirista has a huge family. Maybe that’s why her smile is magnetic. A lovely and not complaining woman. Her mom stays in the bigger house next to her terrible shelter. I asked why doesn’t she and the kids she cares for stay in there? Alfred (our GM and Construction manager) understood the practical part but sometimes even the most practical solution can’t overcome culture. She stays outside because once a daughter or son leaves the home of the parents they can’t go back. There are exceptions but it looks like this is not one of the exceptions.

Mainly Topirista cares for the 5 children of her deceased son ranging from ages 8 to 15. In this culture some men (particularly the past generation) took more than one wife and the wives are called “co-wives”. Christianity is making some progress in helping the people of Uganda on this topic. Actually we may be surprised at such practices, but we shouldn’t let that deter us. We can take a lot of lesson’s from the Ugandan ethics and practices we do not follow. It’s the poverty and existence of so many widow’s and orphans and the introduction of Hope of Jesus Christ we strive to promote.

In addition to the 5 children of her deceased son (Topirista had 9 children of her own!), Topirista cares for the 3 younger children of her deceased co-wife. Topirista is another of our Hero’s! To top it off, her mom is living and blind. A better sense of humor I have not seen and I’ve seen some good ones. In fact when we were introduced she said: “it’s good to see you” and she laughed and clarified saying: “I don’t really see you because I’m blind but I know you are there”. Topirista’s mom is 88, caring for two children of Topirista’s deceased brother, Moses.

For reasons you now know, Topirista was the first one to have her home built in 2016! Thank you for joining in our journey.


Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, tree, plant, sky and outdoor

Profile of a true HERO!


Granny Topirista has a huge family.
Maybe that’s why her smile is magnetic.
A lovely and not complaining woman.
Her mom stays in the bigger house next to her terrible shelter.
home for NINE not the one that looks like a house but the lean-to on the right
home for NINE! …no, not the one that looks like a house , but the lean-to/shack on the right…
I asked why doesn’t she and the kids she cares for stay in there?
Alfred (our GM and Construction manager) understood the practical part but sometimes even the most practical solution can’t overcome culture.
She stays outside because once a daughter or son leaves the home of the parents they can’t go back.
There are exceptions but it looks like this is not one of the exceptions.
Mainly Topirista cares for the 5 children of her deceased son ranging from ages 8 to 15. In this culture some men (particularly the past generation) took more than one wife and the wives are called “co-wives”. Christianity is making some progress in helping the people of Uganda on this topic. Actually we may be surprised at such practices, but we shouldn’t let that deter us.
We can take a lot of lesson’s from the Ugandan ethics and practices we do not follow. It’s the poverty and existence of so many widow’s and orphans and the introduction of Hope of Jesus Christ we strive to promote.
In addition to the 5 children of her deceased son (Topirista had 9 children of her own!), Topirista cares for the 3 younger children of her deceased co-wife.
Topirista is another of our Hero’s!
To top it off, her mom is living and blind. A better sense of humor I have not seen and I’ve seen some good ones. In fact when we were introduced she said: “it’s good to see you” and she laughed and clarified saying: “I don’t really see you because I’m blind but I know you are there”. Topirista’s mom is 88, caring for two children of Topirista’s deceased brother, Moses.
For reasons you now know, Topirista will have her home be the first The Way Home construction team will build this coming 2016 as soon as possible, beginning January!
Thank you for joining in our journey.
We are thankful for your friendship, prayers, and ask if you can help, and encourage you to continue if you are already give, but if not please give what you can to support the expansion of the Kingdom through The Way Home, sending your gift payable to Every Child Ministries, memo note: The Way Home.
PO BOX 810
Hebron, Indiana
or electronically via our website donation page:
A monthly gift would help very well.
Merry Christmas!


Joy & Purpose giving this Christmas!


One Family decided this Christmas their family gift exchange would set a NEW tradition. A tradition of giving that will make a real difference in the lives of FAMILY. Instead of choosing names and dollar limits for a family gift exchange … they decided to pool their family giving dollars and build a house.  Not just any house, but a house for a destitute Widow struggling to raise her own orphaned grandchildren after burying  her own children.

The Way Home identifies these women living in poor conditions, often living in mud huts in remote areas of Uganda.   For just $2,200 you can bless a grandmother this Christmas with a new brick home!  In addition to their new home, they will receiving training and mentoring for sustainable farming through Farming God’s Way Biblical Worldview program.  This farming program will assist the grandmother in increasing her yield up to ten times and, most importantly, Faith in God’s provision.   Each new home purchased also includes a latrine as well as weekly Bible teaching and preventative medicine.

Celebrate the birth of Jesus by making a difference this Christmas, prayerfully consider giving a new home for a widow in place of a family gift exchange, office exchange or just because you want to make an impact this year.


remembering to UN-WRAP Christmas this Year?

Pondering God WITH us…

When we brought our Joseph home for good at the age of 2 and a half, he had never known what it was like to receive a wrapped present until the day we celebrated his “3rd/1st” birthday…really ! I will never forget that moment when all of our friends gathered and watched him as his very first present was handed to him all wrapped up in fun paper with stickers. He was so thrilled with receiving the package that he had absolutely no desire to unwrap it! Can you imagine?

In our busy house full of young boys,  home school, and all encompassing ministry this Christmas I, once again,  find myself having to purposely choose to stop and contemplate whether I have opened the extraordinary gifts that the Christ Child brought from heaven to give us…LIFE…LOVE…FORGIVENESS…JOY and PEACE…HEAVENLY peace that is 🙂 not as the world gives…

Precious life-giving Heavenly packages given to each of us to Why, on earth(!), would we … would I?…even consider leaving them un-applied? …un-tapped?…un-leashed?…un-used?…UNWRAPPED!!!! Can you imagine??



WITH (unconditional!)LOVE-FROM: 

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace !

Just sayin’ …