One of our Grannies folding her hands in a hut as if to pray

From our isolation compounds in Uganda & USA in this unprecedented time we are inviting you to draw near (no social distancing required) to our UNEQUALED sovereign King of Kings and seek His face in humble prayer…

Farming God’s Way Garden beginning with planting stations

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
2 Chronicles 7: 13-15

That is the prayer of The Way Home (TWH) staff in Uganda, received from our Farming God’s Way Manager, Asaph…

Baby eucalyptus trees as part of TWH’s future sustainability project

“We are having silent and hiding prayers. Mainly we are basing in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. That’s our main prayer line scripture.”

As he trusts God and carries on with his job for those He cares for at The Way Home: “Just from dropping windows and doors to (a very grateful) granny Baffakuwulira Elizabeth this morning.”

Delivery of windows & doors for granny Elizabeth’s new house

The prayer of our Bookeeper, Ethel, who knows Uganda is closing doors, borders and shudders of the workplaces and schools, and believe it also Uganda is suffering from millions and millions of Locusts descending on its lands from the deserts north of Uganda. She prays: “Oh Uganda my God uphold thee. We lay thy future in God’s hands. For God and my country.”

more windows & doors for a new granny-family house
(original house in front of new home)

Unexplainable..unprecedented outcomes and impact.
We’ve thought of and prayed for Uganda, it’s people and of course TWH…we invite you to persevere with us in prayer and full dependence on the Lord.

We’ve prayed for you where you are, praying you’re trusting Him absolutely. (Matthew 6:25)

Both here and there, He remains…our safe place to be. (Psalm 91:4)

In Uganda the President has restricted all he could. The borders and airport were just closed. Now it’s up to the people there to do and pray 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
The same for us and our beloved nation the United States, it’s lands and people.

Needless to say, we are eager to be in Uganda soon, all of us are here waiting it out like all of you in your various safest ways possible. Wavering between “this is good” and “let’s get to work”.

Our boys will stay on their school terms via the computer. Our other two children, Ben and Liz and their families are too, waiting with all of us, for the day to come when life will turn from this ‘temporary normal’ back to return to the “normal” we’ve known…as the Lord wills.

On the other side of the globe, our staff also practices safe distance and sanitation while they serve others and advance the ministry of TWH. As the circumstances in our days are now with us, it is comforting to know that God is in control of all things and He’s trustworthy.

We believe He’s the best for us. It’s time to turn to God, humble ourselves, repent of our sins, listen for and look to God for His forgiveness, and believe in His conditional promise; that if we as His people will do these things, He will heal our land.

So let’s do this…Together from our knees

sunrise view of The Way Home compound from Guest House


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1 (231) 735-7441
Every Child Ministries
c/o The Way Home
P.O. Box 810
Hebron, IN 46341