You would think so!

I mean that’s what it seriously feels like each year when we interview the ‘neediest of the needy’ widows, left to raise their orphaned grandchildren, deep in the village of one of the most destitute areas of Uganda.

If you can…imagine this?
…they have lost their husband and now, without any time to grieve the death of their own children
…opened their humble leaking thatched roofed, mud hut to their now, orphaned grandchildren
…when they don’t have a clue where their own next meal is coming from!!
would numbers help you imagine? The average number of children our grannies have in their care is 5.5…one of our grannies has 14!

There is nothing more humbling

It is obvious throughout scripture…that God cares for widows & orphans…and because He does…we do/can too!

but to actually SEE it happen before our very eyes..

AND to be the one’s called by God to deliver that news to them is a privilege that there are no words for…

but a picture is worth a thousand of them right??

What happens when a destitute widow raising her orphaned grandchildren hears that her prayers for provision have been heard and answered?

Sharing that picture of HOPE with you from deep in the village of the “Pearl of Africa”

P.S. wish you were here 🙂