ABUNDANCE!!! what a great problem to have in the village where food is scarce and lives hang in the balance every day.

This is the ‘problem’ we have in Luuka district where our widowed grannies have now been convinced that if they FARM & LIVE God’s Way He WILL provide abundantly beyond what they could hope or imagine…and they have the visible ‘fruit’ to prove his promise!

Preparing for Abundance
Storehouse additions!
Granny-family house addition
Granny-family house addition

SO WE PRAYpare for His abundant provision this growing season with our newly designed secure additions of STOREHOUSES to enable these granny-families to eat, pay for school fees, and even have an income from their abundant harvest provided by the Lord!

A WONDER TO BEHOLD…God’s faithful provision to HIS faithful widowed grannies who have taken on the responsibility to raise their orphaned grandchildren.  Glory to God!


gazing on Abundance!
Granny Katerine gazing on Abundance!

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’   Matthew 25:23