Meet Granny Annet coming to greet us with a smile and a stool to make US… comfortable while we interview HER!
She is mother of 8 biological children- 7 of whom are still living. Immediately after her husband died several years ago, she was forced off her land and out of her home by her 7 children…she fled to this area and sold her only possession, a cow, to buy this 50′ X 100′ land where she lives and cares for 5 grandchildren of her eldest deceased son, in this small hut with no latrine and a small puddle of banana leaves for a bathing area.

Our two days in the villages in the Districts of Iganga and Luuka driving one tracks, in ruts, across fields, to find one of our 19 potential grannies one by one by one was nothing short of an amazing experience. Sometimes groups of neighbors gathered as we talked up to 75. We were utterly aghast and humbled and broken hearted at what we saw and at the same time, felt honored and joy filled that we are in a position to help these faithful hero’s who sustain the lives of their grandchildren.

Even the 2-3 Ugandan pastors (one our construction manager) riding with us, when we loaded the van after talking to the granny, getting the lowdown on her and one to seven grand kids, taking pics of her make shift accommodations, etc. were altogether silent for minutes as we moved on to the next place. These leaders are not newcomers to the poverty in their Church areas and are men who have fantastic senses of humor and who are wonderful evangelical Christian leaders. So as we went along silently together we all were in agreement the Lord is the be all and end all… as we have the amazing opportunity to do this work. We thank you all wherever you are who are generous and giving your prayers and resources so diligently to support us and the project and make this opportunity to serve, a reality!

We have taken many photos…so there is definitely more sharing to come…just wanted to update you on your prayer results !!! Extreme Make-Over Home Edition….Uganda !!! is coming 🙂

With our love and gratitude,
Russ and Marcia Joseph, Dominick and Samson