We are back in Uganda and as we move forward we think of the many of you we know so well. In many cases as we grew in maturity together over the past years, didn’t we increasingly understand it is God’s Word that’s the ultimate authority for the truths we live by and that turning to His Word brings the revelation and enlightenment that loosens, removes and breaks the yoke of spiritual poverty? For villagers in the part of Uganda God has us, enormous strongholds of witchcraft and ancestral worship and the active witch doctors are found in enormous numbers along with the advancement of Islam. People consult them in nearly all critical stages of life including birth, sickness, adolescence, circumcision, weddings and funerals. Witchdoctors and Imam’s are brought in to pray over land and the harvest. Many consult witchdoctors and here they perform rituals including sacrificing chickens, sprinkling of animal blood, spreading bones, placing potions and putting of animal skulls on corner posts. These efforts seek to bring temporary relief until the next crisis arises. These efforts feed the African state of hopelessness, poverty and spiritual bankruptcy. No technology will break the curse of poverty over Africa. But the curse can be broken both by His Word and deed applied to the life of one in need of Him!
For Annet and Florence, the good news of God’s solutions to life in spiritual and physical poverty was told at our first Farming God’s Way (FGW) conference. Along with the Technical and Management teaching of Farming God’s Way we taught most of the two day conference on the FGW Biblical Keys. They are:
1) Acknowledge God and God alone. Prov. 3:5-6; Dt. 8:18.
2) Consider your ways. Haiggai 1:2-11 It’s God who withholds rain and curses land and as it was for Israel, it is for anyone who turns their backs to the Lord in rebellion. We may not alone change a nation, but each can consider our ways and influence others change his ways. 1 Peter 2:5.
3) Understanding God’s All Sufficiency. 1 Corinthinans 9:8.
4) What you Sow You Will Reap. Too often there and here the poor look to the wrong source. Others become the provider in place of God. 2 Thess. 3:10 (Land becomes fallow because we cannot keep taking without giving back). FGW teaches to sow bountifully, knowledgeably, faithfully and with joy!
5) Bringing the Tithes and Offerings to God. Mt. 6:20-21.
6) Stake Your Claim. Humbly seek His Face, Confess and Repent, Ask in Prayer and Stand Firm. James 5:14; Prov. 15:29; 2 Chronicles 7:14.
These Biblical Keys are followed and supported in teaching the Technical and Management legs of the FGW system of agriculture that can increase the farm produce production by 3 to 10 times the traditional farming methods…