Habakkuk 3:19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
Okay…so we have returned from two weeks of support raising with vacation mixed in 🙂 in celebration of the FINALIZED ADOPTIONS of our two new sons! We had a great time and met many encouraging partners…but realistically speaking driving 3500 miles with three small children is a bit on the edge of exhausting and the re-entry back to busy schedules has always been a challenge for me and this one was no different.
I took my frustrations and disappointments to the Lord in prayer as I went for an UPhill run with great music in my ear…all the way up the hill I was uploading my discouragement to the Lord in prayer…as I breathlessly reached the top the Lord (I believe) sent a young dear leaping over my path into the woods in front of him. At the same time the Lord (I believe) put the thought into my mind “HE makes my feet like the feet of a deer, HE enables me to go on the heights”
Thank you Lord for putting my life and our goals to reach Uganda by September back into perspective, by literally giving me a creative word picture to remind me that YOU are the goal setter and the goal acheiver, YOU call and YOU equip…YOU make my feet like the feet of a deer.
I love being dependent on YOU alone Lord God. Thank you that you only ask me to take ONE step at a time in Faith that YOU will enable the Baugh family to reach the heights you have for us, with exactly the team YOU have chosen, in exactly the timing YOU know is perfect for our needs and the needs of your helpless children in Uganda. Because I live by your spirit, I am free to just keep in step with YOUR spirit…
Praise YOU Lord!!!
Galatians 5:25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Therapeutically submitted 🙂