“If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?” — David Livingstone

As our family prepares to leave for our move to Africa in a few short months, and as we share our mission opportunity with others…it seems this question posed by an historic African missionary remains the underlying question to anyone whom God is commissioning into service for Him! Almost across the board the reactions to our “commission” to serve Uganda’s most vulnerable children is seen as a sacrifice. To that we say…how can it be a sacrifice if all that we’ve been commissioned to do and all that we need to accomplish it is provided entirely by our King/Commissioner?

Ray Stedman put it like this:
“When we freely admit, in practice, that without Christ we can do nothing, then we shall learn that we can do all things through him who strengthens us. Faith is the process of this, and it will never be any different. No matter how long we live as Christians, we will ourselves never become any better or any more able to serve Christ, apart from simple dependence upon him. It is always and only Christ working in us which accomplishes the Father’s will.”

So that settles it…while we may be giving up earthly comforts of living in beautiful NW Michigan…how can we do anything but consider this commission an honor bestowed upon us by our Heavenly King…as we move forward in faith and simple dependence on Him for all the resources, wisdom and strength to accomplish HIS will for “The Way Home” project in Uganda? To God be the Glory!

O, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! Rom 11:33

If God is commissioning YOU to be a partner in this project…please join us in counting it an HONOR! To find out more about “The Way Home project to orphans and vulnerable children please contact us at: baughsinafrica@yahoo.com or online:http://www.thewayhomeafrica.com/