How it all began
In 2000, when Russ and Marcia Baugh left their careers in the U.S. to follow God’s leading to Uganda, a heart for Africa and its tremendous orphan population was placed in their hearts.
In their mid-40s, while they were missionaries in Uganda (2000-2004), and after their youngest child had graduated, God began to re-fill their nest by calling the Baughs to adopt a two-year-old Ugandan orphan. Fast-forward eight years. During their mid-50s, God made it clear that the Baugh family should adopt their two grandsons (1 and 6).
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7 NIV). They asked. God answered by giving the Baughs new purpose through what Jesus had done in their lives through adoption.
The Baughs returned to Uganda in 2010, with prepared hearts for grandparents struggling to raise grandchildren in extremely destitute conditions. An unquenchable desire grew to show other orphans and their grannies “The Way Home” just as God had shown the Baughs.
Obedience to God’s call is seldom easy, but living the plans He has set is the epitome of life’s purpose. It’s a wild ride most of the time but, the Baughs are certain they are called to this mission.
We love hanging on for the ride with faith and great anticipation of the next turn! We believe God, himself, is the founder of The Way Home. After all, adoption and family are His ideas! We are merely the co-developers He prepared and called to be His feet and hands to care for the “least of these” that are so close to His heart. From that desire, the project grew quickly in just the first three years. Today The Way Home serves 55 grannies raising a combined 302 orphaned grandchildren! To our Founder, be all the Glory! The Baugh Family
Building Spiritual and Physical Foundations
- Biblical Teaching is provided for Granny Families, the community, and pastors.
- Food Security: The Biblical Worldview Farming method increases yield up to 10 times and teaches dependence on God alone.
- Shelter: Our team builds brick homes to remain with the orphans even after their Granny has gone.
Strengthening Families
Granny-Family groups meet weekly for:
- Bible study and prayer
- Encouragement
- Monthly health check-ups
- Farming God’s Way follow-up
- Crafts (weaving mats, necklaces, etc.)
Preparing for the future
Biblical Worldview Training workshops for Granny Families, the community, and pastors focus on:
- Farming God’s Way
- God’s Heart for the Orphan
We believe that humans made orphanages for Children, but God made families for children! The Baugh Family

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime. Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie