NO COINCIDENCE in Her finish time

God ALONE could only have sovereignly planned to provide homes in Uganda for 4 widowed grannies raising their 34 orphaned grandchildren through Trisha Brayton AgerMarathon finish in 4 hours:34 minutes.

God asked our good friend Trisha to run for orphans…she answered that call and finished the race with perseverance to change the whole world for 4 grannies + 34 orphans in 4 hours 34 minutes…all THE WAY HOME for them !!!

Thank you Trisha & dedicated team of supporters to the least of these here. We are overwhelmed with your dedication..
Much love,
Granny Getulida and her 14,
Granny Zeulense and her 7,
Granny Tapenensi and her 6,
Granny Faith and her 7 orphans …
and the Baugh family and the entire Way HOME team  🙂

THE WAY HOME’s personal marathoner and support team!